The story is this: We went on a family trip to Disneyland this spring. We try to go whenever we have some extra money or have saved some up. We have a REALLY GREAT TRAVEL AGENCY we go through. They always have the newest ticket deals, offers for free nights at the hotels, send Disney pins, lanyards, and this time around little backpacks for the kids. We had a great time and the hubs and I decided that we would definitely save our money up for our first ever anniversary trip (we've never gone anywhere for our anniversary.)
And then fate threw a wrench into the works! Only an hour after leaving my aunt's house in CA our van broke down... the only car we have that can drive all 6 of us at the same time (husband has a 4 passenger car.) This month, the anniversary money will be going to fix the van. :(
But I had an idea! The company we use is amazing! They offer a referral program. I figured out that we only need 25 referrals to book for us to pay for our anniversary trip! I thought "there's has got to be 25 people out there willing to send me their emails to refer to this company!" They dont send too many emails (I swear! Like 1-2 a month?) They also book other southern california destinations, cruises, and Hawaii! We've been using them for 5+ years and have never had a bad experience.
But I couldn't possibly just beg for emails and vacation bookings without doing something in return. So this month, for as many days as I can, I will be offering patterns, designs, ideas for crafty projects with a Disney theme! Could you please spare an email and your home address? send it to mokistar at aol dot dom and I will love you forever!
First up the pattern for the above Mickey Mouse paper cutting. It's done on 12x12 paper. You can print it up and cut out the colored sections. Dont forget you can invert it to have him face the other way (I'm a sloppy cutter and had some lines left over on mine ;) Click on the picture to be brought to a larger size. Please only use this pattern for non commercial personal use. Thanks!