Friday, November 30, 2007

ack! Tomorrow is the first!

Teacher Gifts
It was the last day of school for my year rounder children and the last day at their year round school. We'll most likely be switching them back to the regular district school after Christmas break...just not working out. But I did put together some yummy candy for their teachers (along with gift certificates for a free session and family photo.)

Tomorrow is the first! I will have my last scheduled photo session and hopefully wrap up all loose ends before the first week of Dec. is over. It has been a busy month for me as far as my photography goes!

I hope to have a productive, relaxed, fun, enriching month before Christmas gets here...maybe even get some more blogging in ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Birth Story Part 1


It was September 19th, "Talk Like a Pirate Day." Argh! One day before my due date and the 40 week check up with my midwife, Ginger. Everything was the same at the appointment. Ginger showered me with compliments for a variety of things (I think they all do this.) She checked me and said I was at a 3, maybe a 4. Little B was with me and came over for a little peek, but not a full on exposed look. Ginger "moved things around" as she calls...everyone else calls it stripping the membranes, but she thinks that's a little's not like they actually strip anything out of there you know. We chat, we hug, she schedule me to be induced a week later when she'll be there, but she says (as she has said for the last 2 weeks) I'll be surprised if I see you in a week ha ha!

After the appointment I have and hour and a half before I need to pick my kiddos up from school. So B and I head to target to walk around and waste time and drink soda. I started having contractions there. But I wasn't worried, anxious or surprised. I had been having a lot of false labor, especially after "moving things around." The time comes when I need to pick up the kids. As I am driving home (on a 15-20 minute drive) I realize I have had a couple of contractions. Watching the clock on my dash, I see that they are 10 minutes apart. I dropped off our cute car pool buddy and on the way home call up the hubs to see if he is heading home for the day. He is already home so I tell him the things he needs to do "Take a quick shower, put some clean clothes on, and brush your teeth. We might be headed to the hospital."

It's so funny when he opens the door for all of us as we lug in our bags and mess...he's ready to bound out the door and get going! But I didn't want to mistake this for false labor so I decided to take a warm bath first. But in the bath the contractions were 5 minutes apart. SO I figured it was time to go. They had gotten closer, the were consistent, etc etc. We got the kids all shipped off to where they needed to be and headed to the hospital.

I can't tell you how excited I was thinking I could have the baby on "Talk Like a Pirate Day!" Think of how cool the birthday parties would be!

I suck at blogging

I am terribly busy and haven't been doing any crafting. And on top of that I went to urgent care (the first time I've seen anyone in the medical profession for something not pregnancy or ankle related in about 10 years?!) I had back pain...what I thought might be a kidney infection...and the nurse practitionar who saw me for 5 minutes, never touched me, said they'd send my sample to the lab, and the lab would call me if it was positive, said I probably didn't have a kidney infection because where I was pointing at was too low.
Come to find out, the lab doesn't call patients at all. My midwife thought if it's not an infection it could be a stone but she ran a test too. 3 days later I start having fevers and chills in the middle of the night...but since nobody called me to say I had a kidney infection I thought maybe I caught a virus in urgent care. 3 days later I'm not improving so I decide I probably should go back to urgent care...but maybe I should call them first and see if they FORGOT to call the gal in pain who DOES have a flippin' infection...that could develop into something more serious if not treated!!! argh! ;)

The good thing is, except for the nights I haven't felt that sick, only tired. I had been taking ibprofin (?) to treat the head aches so the back pain was almost nil. I'd done Raesha's shoot, managed my kids, and even went to bunco tonight. I'm on antibiotics so all will be right soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

50 Days to a Happier Christmas

BRIGHT Christmas
Don't you wish that was a book on your shelf?! I do!!!

My house is a complete mess and I tell you, working (hours of sessions, editing, orders, ect.) are not helping me one bit! My list is huge: cleaning, decluttering, things to make.

In just a couple of days, there will only be 50 days left before the big day. I'm going to do somethign aout it!