Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I suck at blogging

I am terribly busy and haven't been doing any crafting. And on top of that I went to urgent care (the first time I've seen anyone in the medical profession for something not pregnancy or ankle related in about 10 years?!) I had back pain...what I thought might be a kidney infection...and the nurse practitionar who saw me for 5 minutes, never touched me, said they'd send my sample to the lab, and the lab would call me if it was positive, said I probably didn't have a kidney infection because where I was pointing at was too low.
Come to find out, the lab doesn't call patients at all. My midwife thought if it's not an infection it could be a stone but she ran a test too. 3 days later I start having fevers and chills in the middle of the night...but since nobody called me to say I had a kidney infection I thought maybe I caught a virus in urgent care. 3 days later I'm not improving so I decide I probably should go back to urgent care...but maybe I should call them first and see if they FORGOT to call the gal in pain who DOES have a flippin' infection...that could develop into something more serious if not treated!!! argh! ;)

The good thing is, except for the nights I haven't felt that sick, only tired. I had been taking ibprofin (?) to treat the head aches so the back pain was almost nil. I'd done Raesha's shoot, managed my kids, and even went to bunco tonight. I'm on antibiotics so all will be right soon.


jess said...

You should call me sometime. I'm proud of you for taking meds. It's ok, to admit you aren't stronger than the pain sometimes;)

Regina said...

Thank goodness you called and got treated right away. I'm pretty sick of this so called health care system. It's drives me mad when health care "professionals" don't even take the time to care for their patients. I hope you are feeling 100% soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're on the mend. I know we should all be responsible for our own health, etc. but honestly, a call would have been nice.

Unknown said...

Sounds like oh-too-familiar Military medical care (aka socialized medicine). The care River got in the private hospital in Vegas while we were on vacation was amazing, and what I *thought* was indicative of the quality of private medicine. Your story begs a closer look at my flawed assumption! Perhaps it was simply the fact TriCare will pay for *anything* during an emergency room visit.

At any rate I hope you are feeling better (particularly so, as I am commenting over two weeks after the fact).