Thursday, May 3, 2007

Being Eco Friendly

my grocery bagmy grocery bag

I picked up a couple of canvas bags last weekend at the yard sales. I only have a couple of good sized ones for groceries and I dont want to have any excuses for having to use plastic or paper at the store anymore. Really, using a stores bags is one of the most preventable, environmentally damaging things I do...and I'm trying to change my bad could too ;)

On the second bag, I partially covered up a pet store's logo (see the cuddling cat and dog?) It would also work real well for a t-shirt that has a logo.
inspired by these bags on my to do list

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been so good this week taking my own bags to the shops. But today is a big grocery shop day. since I only have four canvas grocery bags I may have to recycle some of my paper bag stash too.