Friday, May 30, 2008

Not Today

Yesterday was not my day, and today is yesterday's half sister. Yesterday was a miserable moody type of gal and today? well she's all over the dang place ;)

We were quickly hustled out of bed this morning by the runts. Apparently it was free day at the Natural History Museum. I love the word "free" but I was really worried about the word "crowded." Especially during the first week off from school. But it was nice. I even slipped out of today's scratchy fingers to just enjoy the moment.

And I know what I need to do today (long boring list like car registration and buy milk) and I know what I want to do today (long yummy list like take a dip and drink my mom's lavendar lemonade in the shade) and I know what I should be doing (dishes, laundry, all that junk) but what I am actually doing is hiding out in the office posting on my blog ;)

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