Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I thought I was feeling grinchy

for the nieces

But somehow, someway,

I felt Christmas in my heart today!

Ok, maybe not that sappy. I haven't been sleeping so well. I'm not sure what is up exactly, I may be clenching my jaw during my slumber, I am having daily head aches and sore teeth, or maybe it's a very small cold causing all the discomfort??? but in any case, I've been not so Christmasy this week and feeling nervous about my list that doesn't seem to get shorter. I hate getting out of bed in the morning and hate going to bed at night. I've got more complaining to do but... I am feeling better.

After I dragged myself from underneath the covers and then dragged my butt off the couch, I got dressed, dressed the 2 littles and went visiting teaching to a sister I adore. I had to make an emergency drive over to C-bugs school to pop a blood blister (the girl has a smaller pain threshold than her 1 year old sister) I picked up drinks for B and I and we went home and got crafting. And the grinchy funk was gone

I'm sorry you had to sit through that! LOL!

The picture above: This year for my side of the family, we are only doing stockings and have a$5 limit. I wasn't very happy with what I was finding out there for $5 for kiddos so for my 3 and 5 year old nieces I whipped up a cookie kit (inspired by one I saw on flickr) but made mine to have roll out dough and cookies you "cut out" with a cookie cutter and then decorate (by flipping them over.) For their baby sister I sewed up a little hedgehog with a bell inside.

Miss C wasn't the only sista to get injured today. Miss B learned the hard way that baby sisters are a lot like kittens, play too rough with them and they are likely to claw your face off!

left eye


Sabina said...

Great post!!

Merry Christmas!!

Leslie said...

your kids are absolutely gorgeous. I've always wanted to be a redhead.