Ever need a lollipop for a special session but can't find one? Maybe you like the look, but not the mess? Perhaps you need something special like school colors or another rare combination?
When a client asked for a holiday lollipop for their session I was a bit stumped on where to find one so soon before the holidays. SO I did the next best thing (and probably really THE BEST THING!) and made a FAKE one.
These polymer clay Lolli-"PROPS" are now available in any two basic color combination, measure approximately 4 1/2 inches across,and have a 12 inch white stick for only $10 (shipping in the U.S. included!)
Click on the lolli-prop below to purchase yours (enter passcode "prop" and enter the two colors you want in the comment section when checking out)
Great idea.
I like the wreath. And the dress. And the lolli. And the girl. i'm so not ready for Christmas already!
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