Today big trucks and chainsaws rolled into my neighborhood and stopped right in front of my hose. Starting at about 8 am, they started hacking away at 3 huge, beautiful, cottonwood trees at the park right across the street. It seems that during our last windstorm, a tree in one of our neighborhood's other parks had been slightly uprooted and was leaning against a house, so the HOA decided that the best thing (for them to avoid a future lawsuit!!!) would be to hack down these lovely shady trees taller than my two story house and well out of the way of landing on anybody's house but still capable of pulling up the oh-so-valuable sprinkler system. We (my neighbors, all the neighbor kids, and I) were appalled, but what can you do?
A couple of days ago I had gotten myself into a rather dreadful slump...it happens...I beat myself up all day, made a mental list of everything wrong, imagined a dozen horrible endings to my story and moped about in general. After a day of that crud, I remembered a recent chat with a friend in which I was jokingly chided about the law of attraction. We're both big believers in the Law of Attraction and probably would not be in each others lives if not for that "law." So I listened carefully to this remembrance and the next day made sure to enjoy my day and find things that brought me happiness instead of focusing on the negative. Those things were:
1. Bittersweet chocolate chips
2. Hot cocoa with tiramasu creamer and marshmallows
3. An afternoon of Gilmore Girls season 1
4. drawing up paper cutting patterns
5. the cute chocolatey face of miss e (having nibbled a couple of bittersweet chips herself)
6. Looking for inspiring videos to post here
Oh and Carin posted this awesome quote on her blog:
"We are in a period of stress across the world. There are occasionally hard days for each of us. Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds. Opportunities will eventually open to you. Do not let the prophets of gloom endanger your possibilities."
-Gordon B. Hinkley
So after the tree murderers had done their deed, we borrowed their wheel barrow and hauled over 4 loads of mulch and 2 tree stumps for the yard... They better plant new trees soon!
love the lip and the quote. he was such a brilliant man.
OH my gosh! I love those trees. How sad that they are gone:( what are you doing while the kiddos are at Primary practice?? want to go to Flying star or Mcds or anywhere and just relax and visit?
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