Thursday, August 30, 2007

No crafting tonight


Just proofing a client baby session.

Every night this week, when I do finally head to bed, I think about how I COULD go into labor during the night, but I remember reasons why it may not be a good idea tonight. You don't have to read the list, but it would be helpful if you did, in case I forgot something. My list:

1. The dishes aren't done
2. The laundry isn't folded
3. The kids' bags aren't packed
4. I haven't made my phone number list for the hospital
5. I need to buy groceries
6. I have a session tomorrow
7. I have to still finish proofing the session from today
8. I haven't learned to crochet mini-granny squares or found my itty bitty crochet hook so I have something to do in the hospital
9. No good t.v. on right now, must wait til week after due date to have good programming in the hospital
10. bills to pay
11. haven't dropped of pre-admin form to hospital!!!
12. Saturday is better than Friday
13. Pay day is tomorrow and hubs has to pick up his paycheck (and be at work for big boss's arival)
14. I want to make brownies

LOL what have I forgotten?


vintagechica said...

He, careful with that list. Babies always seem to come when you "aren't" ready. Thinking of you in the coming days.

jess said...

None of my list got was done, since he came 3.5 weeks early, then I'm spending 6 months trying to catch up on it! By the way you don't have make meals to freeze, finish weaving the moses basket, knit the layette set,......

jess said...

Lists are the best. At least you don't have to have all of that bouncing around in your head. Oh, and cute photo of the baby hands!

Raesha D said...

TOO funny!! What about packing your own bag? or is that already done??? The bread turned out awesome:):) I'm going to have a big slice after dinner with butter and jam. And I have tons of tiny crochet hooks if you can't find yours.

Jenni-Raie said...

for some reason i don't think the baby will wait for any of those things!