Sunday, November 9, 2008

For Jess

Cause she's on my mind ;)

For Jess

1. Recylced Sweater Stockings made from sweaters!
2. Emroidered Blocks too cute huh?!
3. Partridge ATC totally thought of you when I saw this!
4. deciduous quilt this one too! I've never done hexagons!!!
5. cathedral window quilt in progress frickin' amazing! One of those challenging things we should try sometime
6. project in progress-half way just pretty
7. Pretty pink cupcakes yum! right?
8. My Ticket to World Domination Totally love this soap! It's in her shop on etsy and I would totally buy some but it would get used and mot be so pretty to look at, or my kids would try to pick all the buttos off, I'd start to feel like my grandma who always had a tray of fancy soaps in the bathroom that nobody actually used! oooh fun childhood memory! My grandma is a very classy flamboyant lady and the guest bath downstairs was mirrored wall to wall and the ceiling too I think...that was a fun bathroom! You could watch yourself pee from 5 different angles! LOL!
9. CupCake Pincushions cute, aren't they?!
10. Crocheted Hat Love the sewn edging on this!
11. In my Craftroom This is just a yummy picture of craftiness!
12. vote so you, so us! cause we're sexy like that!
13. Custom I WANT one of these dolls for B, but there's no way I am paying $150 Canadian for it! I am considering the energy and dedication I need to muster up to make something like it...
14. can't have one without the other this is from my online friend's her view of nursing and knitting at the same time!
15. Chai tea in apple cups from a new flickr friend. Isn't that delish?!
16. Chai tea in apple cups oops I posted this twice instead of linking to another one of her great pics
this one here

Love you jess!


Viki said...

I've made a cathedral window pillow, done hexagons but not as a deciduous tree and i knitted quite often as I nursed, as I could then hold a sleeping baby and not be asked to move. Ah, that was years ago.
Oh, there are kits for the waldorf type dolls much less than $150. Did I see them in Magic cabin? But then there are other less expensive craft catalogs.

jess said...

This is the most fabulous shout out I've had... EVER! I love the soap and the cupcakes, and the apple cups, and the quilt and the blocks and all of it! You know me so well. It's good to have people in your life that know you. xo