Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mmm Peppermint Scones

Peppermint Scones recipe

I wrote up the recipe the way I like to read it. Sure, it's always nice to have all your ingredients lumped together in one spot, but I like following a recipe from top to bottom without going back to the ingredients list to see what the quantities are and then losing my place in the recipe directions.

Peppermint Scones recipe


deb said...

Those sound delish. I love peppermint. I just found Peppermint Stick ice cream yesterday while I was out. They don't always have it around here.

Leacayoungart said...

those look really good.

Anonymous said...

so i am a random person who came across your blog from "googling" "peppermint scones".
so brilliant, the way you wrote the recipe... why hasn't someone thought of that before! i always get lost following recipes!

merry christmas!